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For our Planet's Future
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Works Cited
From Articles:
"Animal Agriculture's Impact on Climate Change." Climate nexus, climatenexus.org/climate-issues/food/animal-agricultures-impact-on-climate-change/. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
"ANIMAL CRUELTY IN THE CLOTHING INDUSTRY." Experiential Learning Initiative, 19 Jan. 2018, www.eli-africa.org/2018/01/animal-cruelty-in-the-clothing-industry/#:~:text=Humans%20have%20used%20leather%2C%20wool,uproar%20among%20animal%20rights%20activists. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
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"TMAO and Heart Disease: The New Red Meat Risk?" JAMA, 22 May 2019, jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/article-abstract/2734678. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
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"Western Diet Increases Alzheimer's Risk." Science Daily, 25 Aug. 2016, www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/08/160825102121.htm. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
From 1-week Plant-Based Meal Challenge
"7-Day Vegan Meal Plan: 1,500 Calories." Eating Well, Apr. 2019, www.eatingwell.com/article/290644/7-day-vegan-meal-plan-1500-calories/.
"HOW WOULD CHANGING YOUR DIET CHANGE THESE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS?" Plant-Based Diets, planetbaseddiets.panda.org/impacts-action-calculator/. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
Links, Rasheal. "A Complete Vegan Meal Plan and Sample Menu." Health Line, 4 Apr. 2019, www.healthline.com/nutrition/vegan-meal-plan#veganism. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
"Meal planning." The Vegan Society, www.vegansociety.com/go-vegan/how-go-vegan/meal-planning. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
Petr, Alina. "The 17 Best Protein Sources for Vegans and Vegetarians." Health Line, 16 Aug. 2016, www.healthline.com/nutrition/protein-for-vegans-vegetarians#TOC_TITLE_HDR_1. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
"20 Foods That Are High in Vitamin A." Health Line, www.healthline.com/nutrition/foods-high-in-vitamin-a#TOC_TITLE_HDR_2. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
"The vegan diet." National Health Service, www.nhs.uk/live-well/eat-well/the-vegan-diet/. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
Images and Recipes Used:
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"Discover how secondary packaging can positively influence your sales." Smurfit Kappa, www.smurfitkappa.com/sectors/dairy-products. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
"Easy Veggie Vegan Pizza with 20 minute Crust." Veganricha, www.veganricha.com/easy-veggie-vegan-pizza/#wprm-recipe-container-26456. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
"Homemade Vegetarian Chili." Cookie and Kate, cookieandkate.com/vegetarian-chili-recipe/. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
"How To Draw A Cartoon List." How to Draw Funny Cartoons, www.how-to-draw-funny-cartoons.com/cartoon-list.html. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.
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"STUDY FINDS SIGNIFICANT REDUCTIONS IN GHG EMISSIONS AMONG EGG FARMERS: A COOL FARM TOOL CASE STUDY." Sustainable Food Lab, sustainablefoodlab.org/study-finds-significant-reductions-in-ghg-emissions-among-egg-farmers-a-cool-farm-tool-case-study/. Accessed 15 Jan. 2021.